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Moog unveils a new guitar with infinite, non-synth sustain

How to be cockrocker on the moog

Bomb the Bass ft. Paul Conboy - So Special

Bob Moog demonstrates the Minimoog

Bob Moog demonstrates the Minimoog

Gershon Kingsley - Popcorn ( 1969 )

jonny says...

Isn't this supposedly the first song composed on/for a synthesizer? This version is very different from the one I'm familiar with - more lilty or something. I always thought Moog composed it himself. I heard him interviewed on "Fresh Air" years ago and they talked about this for a while.

Gershon Kingsley - Popcorn ( 1969 )

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'retro, electro, synthpop, classic, beat, melody, Music to Moog By' to 'retro, electro, synthpop, classic, beat, melody, Music to Moog By, rko, trippy, 60s' - edited by Eklek

schmawy (Member Profile)

critttter says...

Oops! Wrong profile. Nothing vile to post here.

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Tags for this video have been changed from 'Les Baxter, Moog, 1968, Chopin' to 'Les Baxter, Moog, 1968, Chopin, 60s' - edited by schmawy

siftbot (Member Profile)

siftbot (Member Profile)

Les Baxter - Moog Rock 1968

Heaven's Gate Cult.

choggie says...

dude....what a first gruesome snuff post to christen yer channel with-They dinna show these on the evening news, specially with all those Nirvana muzak-soundin' moog organ strains....I'm gonna piss the bed tonight!!!

Nirvana's Teen Spirit cover - by Paul Anka?!

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The point is that there is nothing new under the sun. Music constantly revisits the same themes, chords and melodies generation after generation. We, of course, latch on to the particular sounds of our own generation, and believe that we are somehow unique, but the truth is that Benny Goodman = Elvis = The Beatles = Led Zepplin = Michael Jackson = Public Enemy = Nirvana = Radiohead = ????.............

Styles may change, but human emotions (and the awkwardness of puberty in particular) remain the same.

This is a well executed example of a 90's tune, played in an authentic 40's/50's big band style. What makes it funny (as opposed to the self-conscious cheese of Richard Cheese) is that it is played straight.

There is also a great 70's moog version of SLTS done by The Moog Cookbook.

How to play the Theremin

Wiimote theremin video: Set your phasers on 'totally awesome

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